I’m a Computer Engineer and I need help from Control Engineers. I studied in my graduation Control Theory and I have used Ogata’s and Nise’s books. I like both very much but, although they both have a chapter about Digital Control, I feel that they are too superficial on it.
I’m aware of Ogata’s Discrete-time Control Systems and I’m been using it actually, but I would like to know if you guys know any other good books in the subject! Do you think Ogata’s Discrete-time Control Systems is the best one?
I have liked the Franklin & Powell that I used (now Franklin, Powell, & Workman), but I am not that familiar with Ogata. A lot of the texts are very similar these days, and much of the choice is just a style preference.
I’m currently at a controls conference at MIT. At a tutorial, the professors recommended the Franklin/Powell/Workman book. But they also focused mainly on analog design techniques - Bode analysis mainly - as the key design technique for most industrial systems. They were quite clear that for most people, the state-space design techniques leave people with no intuition or understanding of what they are doing.
Above is a snippet.