I was looking thru a post from a structural engineer on LinkedIn and have uploaded the photographs form his LinkedIn post above. I noticed that they were underpinning an existing building due in some part to the attached photographs, and it got me thinking about crack patterns and what type of crack patterns best identify what is happening during an investigation.
I know that there aren’t any hard and fast rules on cracking, generally, it will follow the stress location a the weakest point. However thought it would be good to discuss what type of crack patterns people identify with, below is a short summary to get the conversation started.
- Vertical Cracks
both straight and brick toothed - brick growth if ht crack is a common thickness
straight but tapering from top to bottom - soil moment
- Horizontal Cracks
- due to the brick wall out of plan moment, not enough support for the wall in EQ or wind
- Diagonal Cracks
-soil heave/shrinkage type movements.
- at windows thermal, if they tend to go to the ground.