When one needs a physical property, there are three methods for determining it:
- Look it up
- Estimate it
- Measure it
For the subject topic, a friend pointed me towards Miscellaneous Publications of the Bureau of Standards Nos. 91 - 102:
Petroleum Latent Heats - NBS Misc Pub 97.pdf (1.6 MB)
Thanks, Pierre!
The key equations in the article are:
L = 1/d(110.9 - 0.09t)
L = latent heat of vaporization, Btu/lb
d = s.g. at 60 F/60 F
t = temperature in degrees F
L*rho = 925 - 0.75t
L*rho = latent heat of vaporization (Btu/lb) x density @ 60 F (lb/gal), Btu/gal
t = temperature in degrees F