How to message someone

I am trying to message a user but I can’t figure out how to do that. Please help

Left click their emoji or username, then left click the orange message rectangle.

Welcome mfstructural!

Or, if you are posting a question or reply and want to draw a particular member’s attention to the post, type the @ sign followed by their user name.

Like @mfstructural

@David, There is an item called FAQ (new), shaded yellow in the screenshot below. At present, it shows a revolving circular arc. I assume the intention is to put site specific information in FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). If not, what is its intended purpose?


Not sure what that is, or how it got there.

@Ron or @Latexman ?


I you’re talking about my screenshot, it occurs when I press the “hamburger” icon next to my avatar.

@BAretired Yes, we know about that. Thank you. We are noodling on how to fix it. It’s not a high priority, so we’ll get to it as a filler job for the programmer.

Noodling…good idea @ Latexman.