Mems for metrics

Hello, I’m
Looking for help with a project I am working on. I am going to measure snow loads on roofs, both inclined and flat structures.
I intend to mount transmitters/receivers on the inside of the roof structure so that snow loads can be read in real time.

Have recently tried with a Mems that was mounted on a roof truss and where we simulated deflection but we obtained no readings. At the same time the product needs to maintain weight over time. Are there mems that are equipped to measure larger pressures that show the current load at all times?
Really stuck and need ideas from someone.
Kind regards Jörgen

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Hey Jorgen, good to see you here.

“Have recently tried with a Mems that was mounted on a roof truss and where we simulated deflection but we obtained no readings. At the same time the product needs to maintain weight over time. Are there mems that are equipped to measure larger pressures that show the current load at all times?
Really stuck and need ideas from someone.”

Some questions that probably are due to mistranslations:

  • a MEMS what - i.e. deflection measuring device (what type, what resolution) or a tilt measurement or load cell? A bit more description of the device used and how it is/was mounted would be helpful.
  • why did you not obtain readings?
  • “product needs to maintain weight over time” - not sure what this means, are you saying the device you add cannot be too heavy? Or that the roof truss or structural member cannot be limited in load-carrying capacity by the measurement instrument? Or did the device lose calibration over time?

Yes, you should be able to create a sensor (strain gage?) that monitors the roof load/deflection and stays consistent over time.