Perseid Meteor

I caught a nice one. Let me know if the image doesn’t expand when you click on it.

It’s aligned in such a way that it look like it’s falling out of the Andromeda Galaxy!
Just a coincidental alignment. Parts of Perseus are at the top of the frame. The smear of starry stuff is, of course the Milky Way.

This is a one-shot, so the ability to clean-up noise is limited.


Don’t we live in a marvelous universe. Thank you for sharing the photo.

Sssssooooooooo very nice. Yes, image does expand.

Wonderful, wonderful!

Wow, great shot Spar!

I think you got two - there is a fainter streak, at a slightly different angle, just to the left (ed: and slightly below) of the more obvious meteor trail. Hard to see until I blew the picture up to the max resolution of my screen.

I see another/something else. It is faint near the top of and to the left of the big one. This one is about 90 degrees clockwise of the big one. 3 in one picture! Wow!

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@btrueblood I think I see it too! I should check the original RAW shot.
You have sharp eyes.

Yes, @Latexman, you caught one too.

The photos were taken as a sequence, with an automatic shutter timer regularly taking pictures. The exposures were 30 seconds long, and the timer started the shots 35 seconds apart. The intervening 5 seconds is plenty for the processor in the camera to store the previous RAW photo, prepare the shutter to open, lock up the mirror, and then start the next exposure. This means the previous and subsequent shots have artifacts of interest.

The subsequent shot has a faint glow remaining of this meteor’s trail still visible. About the same intensity as the trail that @btrueblood found.

The trail that @btrueblood found is actually a satellite, barely bright enough to register. It pops in and out of the earlier and later photos as it turns bright-side to dark-side.

@Latexman the trail you found is a legitimate meteor. Coming at 90 degrees to the Perseid I’m not sure if that one counts as a Perseid, though. Not tryin’ ta steal yer thunder, y’all, but it’s pointed the wrong way.

Cool. What camera are you using, or just your phone? If phone, can you mention the app?

I have a couple of old Canon cameras, which i’ve hacked to add intervalometers (CHDK). Have to scrounge them back out of the closet and see if I can catch some too.

I’ve also been keeping tabs on the NOAA Aurora dashboard page - the neighbors want to go aurora hunting, we are far enough north that (with a suitably dark north horizon) we have a chance to see it if the Kp number is 6 or higher. After studying the map, I think I’ve found a site, up on the side of Mt. Pilchuck, that is reachable in about a 1.5 hour drive, and would have a suitably remote, dark, unobstructed north horizon. Provided it’s not cloudy and raining…

NOAA page: Aurora Dashboard (Experimental) | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center

My workhorse astro-cam is actually a pro digital camera, Canon 6D.

Although I had experimented many times with simpler cameras, I went into astrphotography very seriously in 2014, and still do it, though not as much. I collected my own personal “Messier catalog” of faint-fuzzy objects. I never pretended or tried to be the master that makes works that contend with Hubble. What I did do was spend time capturing, developing, processing, and appreciating each of the targets I photographed. It’s the time that I spent poring over the details that I cherish.

We are expecting a peak of aurora activity in the next year, but it seems to have started early! I’ve already seen some fantastic ones this year. This is my most recent capture and probably the best I’ve ever caught on camera.


Wow! I know that’s a time lapse sequence but it’s still fantastic!

I’ve seen the aurora a few times, twice on over-the-pole flights and once from my parent’s farm some 40+ years ago. Never seen the reds, just the green nitrogen lines.