Reference Site for Popular ME Formulas

This is an excellent site built by the late Roy Beardmore for ME - sections on Pressure Vessels and more. Click the links in the formula index:

Formulae Index…

Weld strength

Useful Related Links

  1. Excelcalcs;… (including XLC:An excellent calculation tool using Excel ) The comprehensive repository of engineering calculations is a valuable tool for engineers.
  2. Mechengcalculators …Large number of useful calculators with associated formulea
  3. Platonic Realms …Very Extensive Mathematics Information /formulae
  4. Efunda …A number of formulae on Engineering topics are found at
  5. Mecanicasoft …Site including various Calculators and useful links…
  6. Math.Org* …Site Based on Mathemetic formulae /equations…
  7. Xs4all…A 1M pdf file with lots of physics formulae- Advanced stuff
  8. Gowelding…A Real Find…this site has lots of Information on calculating the strength of Welds
  9. Plymouth University …Various Design Notes and Links
  10. Scienceworld.wolfram … Welcome to the best resource of Science and math on the Internet- Probably true
  11. … A site for use of engineers preparing for UK Engineering Examinations (Excellent)
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Another good one: XCalcs. It is very powerful when you register.

Those who use Mathcad can subscribe to built-in libraries (there are lots). I find them but useful and fun learning tools. They still turn up in engineering reports that I receive and review. Getting the libraries for older versions of Mathcad can be tricky. If only you could find someone on the internet with a copy…

I haven’t followed this blog because it’s more for structural engineers, but I have seen Newton Excel Bach recommended many times:

Medeek is another structural design website with calculators (and very nice graphics):

Richard Abbott has aerospace covered at with a huge library of reference material and detailed calculation spreadsheets that you can download and use as you like.

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