Went camping with my BIL and sister a couple of weekends ago at Aspenglen in Rocky Mountain National Park. We hiked Deer Mountain Trail to the top. The temps were mild in the mid-60s for daytime highs.
I got sloppy and strapped my fleece vest to the outside of my pack. I laid it down quite a few times. My theory is that ticks hitched a ride on the vest, which I put on later, when the temps began to drop again.
I got three bites. I bagged all ticks then sent them off for testing. They carried Rickettsia rickettsii. Yup. That’s what I got, too.
After waiting a bit and getting sicker by the day, I finally had to start doxycycline. One pill made a big difference.
So watch out for ticks. Get a pair of fine point tweezers or a tick remover to remove, bag, and send them off for testing.
I bought the full panel of testing and it’s good I did. Rickettsia species are uncommon in Colorado.