Ticks are out already. What?

Went camping with my BIL and sister a couple of weekends ago at Aspenglen in Rocky Mountain National Park. We hiked Deer Mountain Trail to the top. The temps were mild in the mid-60s for daytime highs.

I got sloppy and strapped my fleece vest to the outside of my pack. I laid it down quite a few times. My theory is that ticks hitched a ride on the vest, which I put on later, when the temps began to drop again.

I got three bites. I bagged all ticks then sent them off for testing. They carried Rickettsia rickettsii. Yup. That’s what I got, too.

After waiting a bit and getting sicker by the day, I finally had to start doxycycline. One pill made a big difference.

So watch out for ticks. Get a pair of fine point tweezers or a tick remover to remove, bag, and send them off for testing.

I bought the full panel of testing and it’s good I did. Rickettsia species are uncommon in Colorado.

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Bummer! Those are nasty little blood suckers! Get well soon!

Oh no!
I hope you get better soon.

I still think the reason we have so few ticks here is we have so many birds. The fact that we have over hunted the larger birds is the problem.

Opossums eat ticks, too, from what I’ve read. They’ve probably been killed off too much, too. The weather is way too warm now, too, which makes it nicer for ticks to spread and be out more months during the year. Alaska is looking better and better. :slight_smile:

Seems I got CO tick fever out of those, too, which is common in ticks here. It’s a viral infection so the only thing one can do is boost the immune system, which my doc began today. I feel good most days but that periodic bad day was a clue. And the fatigue… Ick.

I detest having fatigue. Even when I don’t have much to get done, I detest fatigue.

I’m a big possum fan