Welcome Aboard CM Chan, Chemitofreak, and Daniel Walzer

Please welcome @CMCHAN, @chemitofreak, and @daniel.walzer to the Pub.

CM is an old friend and associate. I think we met about 30 years ago. We have enjoyed work, some of the best Dim Sum in the world, and many cold Carlsberg beers over the years.

I’ve followed chemitofreak’s good advice over at CheResources for about 10 years. I asked him to check out SimpliEngineering, and he is.

Daniel is an associate at one of our North American latex plants. I told him this was a good place to ask questions outside of his expertise (ChE).

Thanks Latexman…!

This is the for the first time in any of the discussion forum that I have been greeted in this manner. It makes me feel special :slight_smile:

I will try my level best to add my inputs.

Take care and stay safe.


Yes, a Pub area adds some novelty and another perspective to a discussion forum.