What? No discussions on motors?

I got fed up with the MBA:s in our old “home”. So I waved good-bye and looked for interesting discussions in Simpli and the motor and drive forum. But - there are none!

Anyhow. There is at least one entry now.

Looking forward to years of good and interesting discussions. In this forum and all the other. We deserve an MBA-free place for our deepest thoughts. A place where even such a profanity as “absofuckenlutely” is allowed. That other place, you know which I’m referring to, took such a comment away. That would not have happened before the change (for worse) that happened recently.

Welcome Skogs… it will take a bit to start up, but, looking good so far.


Welcome Skoggs. As a retired Navy LCDR, sometimes a good profanity is just right.

Look who’s here - Thanks for coming over Gunnar.

In terms of where to start… troubleshooting… good books… new applications and drive technology… ideas come to mind but I know I’m not the one to write about them. But you are!

Thanks to all!

Actually, SW has a good suggestion. I have been collecting fun, dramatic, sad, unbelievable and downright ridiculous episodes from the drive and automation world. My intention was to put such stories in a book and name it “The Automation Engineer and the Reality”. Not very exciting since reality always has a tendency to come out as the winner. But if it can’t be exciting - it can at least be educational.

Someone heard about this and gave me a column in the Swedish trade magazine “Elektronik i Norden” (Do I need to translate?) So the book seems more distant than ever - but I sure have many more readers this way than I would ever have if waiting for the book to be finished.

The stories are all my copyright. I think that I shall put them in English. Is there a place for such a collection in Simpli? I have yet to get a good view how it is organized.

Link to the column: http://www.elinor.se/kwh-matarna-och-de-hoga-elrakningarna.html/

It’s nice to see familiar faces and old friends here.
An update from the dark side:
There was a forum with 163 members.
Clicking on the little blurb (163 members)
Brings up 163 names.
Clicking on 162 names brings up profiles.
Clicking on one name brings up the dreaded 404 error.
I think of Enginerring.com as a description, not a spelling mistake.
I heard that there was a Pub around here somewhere. Let’s check it out.

Yes, the book you promised (years ago!) must have been hovering just below the surface of my consciousness. Now that you bring it up, it does indeed seem like a good idea. I have the same questions as you: where to put it where it will be FOUND?



What? I’m in? Or ain’t I?

Can I post? Can I have a Wet Martini at Pat’s Pub? Can I misbehave (not grossly - just like I’m used to)?

Where are the Pink Bunny Slippers?

Important questions, yes. Are there any answers?

I still remember the Muppet’s episode where the chef wasn’t Swedish, but spoke ‘mock Swedish’… he was actually ‘mock Japanese’…

When it comes to electric motors, there are just so many things that I know absolutely nothing about…
