Anyone had COVID Vaccinations yet?

I’m not saying deny help (in USA, federal laws mandate care be given regardless of ability to pay), but insurance companies could make vaccination a requirement before paying for care for that disease…I think…

Last Friday was two weeks after my second Moderna vaccine shot, so I should be good to go!

My company is giving a $50 gift card and 4 hours vacation to each employee that is vaccinated as a COVID-19 Vaccine Encouragement and Appreciation Program. Nice!

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To clarify:
No-one was denied health care or forced to pay extra for medical care.
The person mentioned will be taking unpaid leave from work.
She will not be paid her salary for sick days as would be the case for any other sickness.
That will be a loss of about two weeks pay.

Got my second jab on April 7th, but I hear on the news that Alberta, my province, has the dubious honor of having the highest Covid-19 infection rate in North America. The recent rate was 545 infections per 100,000 people, twice as high as Ontario and far more than any other province in Canada. Last weekend, people were attending a rodeo in a small town nearby without masks and without social distancing…unbelievable!

The Eagle Lodge in the town of Republic, Washington, held an anti-mask rally a week or two ago…and subsequently over 100 new cases appeared around the area, traced back to that event. Of course, Republic has no hospital, so these people traveled to larger cities with hospitals to get care…raising the apparent case counts for those counties. This week the major west coast counties in our state (with Seattle, Tacoma, and Everett being the largest cities) are seeing case counts high enough that we may have to drop back to tighter restrictions on restaurants and bars, etc., which directly hampers me and my neighbors. Thus my disdain for people (like those in Republic, which county also has one of the lowest vaccination rates for our state), and wish for punitive damages to be assessed to them.

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The fine for not following the current rules in Alberta doubled yesterday to $2,000, but it doesn’t seem that the RCMP are eager to enforce the rules, so the size of the penalty is somewhat irrelevant.

You can’t fix stupid. Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

If the government actions seem overblown, this this sort of thing happens.
Likely also fueled by lack of trust in the government, or a dislike of those in charge.

But the lack of a hospital also seems a lack of government action.

Both of these should be better handled by local government, if it is qualified to do so.

Police chief (or sherrif? whatever) from Republic ran against (and lost to) our current state governor. He had previously refused to enforce new state laws (passed by initiative, i.e. public majority vote) on gun sales and background checks. While I’m no fan of our current governor, I just can’t see voting for somebody who ran a law enforcement group that refused to enforce laws…but that should also inform you of the voter and government levels of IQ and capability of the town and its surrounding county.

Pfizer 1 on Mother’s Day; minor arm pain below injection site. Shot 2 scheduled in August.

48 hours later and deltoid pain is resolving. Mrs. may be having only a minor headache…causative? Coincidental?

Got my first one!
Myself, my wife, and my 20-yo son all done at the same time.
The local small-town pharmacy got a fresh batch of Pfizer, and pulled extra hours for everyone to come in when they wanted to. Even though it was first-come first-served, there wasn’t really a rush or a terrible lineup. Probably because most folks could walk back home a block away and try again later. Hundreds of us done in a day.

Even with masks on, I could tell everyone was smiling :slight_smile:



That’s awesome, Spar! :+1:

I’m glad to hear that Spar.
My 15 year old son just finished two weeks quarantine.
A grade 10 student tested positive and the entire grade 10 class was sent home and instructed to quarantine for two weeks.
He tested negative. Had he tested positive my wife and I would have had to quarantine also.
A day or so later the whole school was closed and reverted to online instruction.

All adults in my immediate family are fully vaccinated. So is my 16-year old granddaughter. My 13 year old grandson and 3 year old granddaughter have not been. We are still masking and distancing and will do so at least until both of them are covered. We also live in the state of stupidity, otherwise known as Florida.

Pfizer 1 two weeks ago today; no attributable ongoing reactions for either my wife or self.

I was kind-of expecting a reaction of some sort. Not even a bruise.
Is it weird to say that I’m a little disappointed?

Which could lead someone into thinking the vaccination / lockdown was a fake event. Not that I think it was, but I can see where the other point of view gets traction.

Interesting point; some of my family went to visit the Zoo this weekend, and the primates area is closed.

Turns out, there are many mammals that could contract, and transmit, the Covid virus.

Just back from getting my 2nd dose. Here’s hoping I avoid any major side effects. :+1:t3:


Same here.

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