Anyone had COVID Vaccinations yet?

What happened to the CDC’s recommendation the 2nd Pfizer shot be 21 days after the 1st?

I had Moderna #1 already, and #2 was scheduled 28 days later as per CDC guidelines.

Canada has decided to go in a different direction with this, as apparently we’d rather have lots of people with partial protection by getting just their first shot than have half as many or so fully protected people out there with the other half having had no shots at all.

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Wife and I both got two shots of the Pfizer vaccine. No reactions with either shot.

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Wife and I got our 2nd shot of Moderna vaccine Friday. We had a little arm pain and stiffness Saturday, like a 1/10. None today, unless I palpate the shot area moderately, so no big deal!

Get my 2nd one this Friday.

Ever since they released the Vaccine I keep thinking about that movie “I am Legend” with Will Smith. Makes you think… :slight_smile:

I just got home from my second Pfizer shot to-day.
The worst part was the 80 mile drive, each way.
@SparWeb with the announcement today, will you be able to get on the list?
Are you already on the list and waiting your turn?

Yes, things in AB will start to change for the general population once this age group can get their vaccinations get under way. Our local government has done enough to sabotage enrollment rates, they will have to be satisfied with the amount of uptake in the groups that were prioritized, and not expect much more than that.

It’s also terribly annoying to see so much of the province’s news updates, advice, and booking information repeat over and over which vaccines are being administered, as if you’re supposed to choose. I’d be please to see it in a world with rational people who are informed, but we don’t live in that world. We live in a word with misinformed people who connect AZ vaccine with blood clots and refuse. The type of vaccine you get is irrelevant to you in 99.99% of cases. I have worse odds of getting hurt from a tuna sandwich.

I do stand by my own words that patience is still important. But, this won’t actually be over for me when I get vaccinated. It’s when my son is vaccinated that matters more. It’s been a horrible year for him (I’ve helped where I can) but what a horrible experience for a young person, just starting to explore the world and find all the people in it, to then be shut in a house for a year.

Sorry, Bill. You must regret asking by now. I’ll let you know when I’ve got it done.

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The new normal, Spar.
My son William, is participating in High School Rodeo.
The restrictions are strict on distancing and spectating.
Parents are only allowed into the arena during their child’s event and asked to leave once the child has competed and not watch the other contestants.
Fortunately Will was able to travel and stay with friends.
That was 110 miles each way to drop him off with his friend on Friday.
I missed Saturday’s perf’ (performance) but I drove up on Sunday to watch and bring him home.
That was 166 miles each way. Total 552 miles.
Will’s in team roping.
They turn a steer loose and two riders give chase.
The “Header” ropes the steer around the head or horns and turns it into position.
The second rider, the “Heeler” then ropes the steer by the hind legs and they stretch the steer out.
It was all over in 11 seconds, not fast enough to make the top ten.
On a working cattle ranch, a steer in need of doctoring will be roped and held this way while a third rider works on the animal.
Drive 552 miles to watch an 11 second run.
Next weekend it looks like 424 Miles but it could be more.
That’s the new normal.

#2 Moderna yesterday. This one has affected me more than the 1st shot. #1 shot just had a sore arm for a couple days. This one have the sore arm, but feel a bit achy and woozy, like coming down with something. Better after I got up and got moving, but still a little wobbly. Good thing I’m just doing CAD today, not running a lathe or something. Wife had a little more reaction after her #2 shot as well, but I think she would say it’s about the same. Friend to had both Pfizer shots was a bit more affected on 2nd shot too, similar complaints to mine, but she had those symptoms on first shot as well. The good news is, mild symptoms like these are indications that your immune system is working. That’s what I’ll keep telling myself today at least…

Edit: 2 days in and feeling quite a bit better. Slightly feverish and uncomfortable sleeping last night, but woke up feeling pretty good. Arm still sore, but fading.

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@btrueblood - Had my 2nd one on Friday and within 18 hours I was down and out. Had a fever, cold\hot Chivers, headache, body aches, sore arm, and just overall exhaustion. Within 12 hours after it started I felt fine.

My wife is getting her first shot as I type this and my first one is scheduled for tomorrow morning.

Seasonal allergy season sure is an annoying time to get a vaccine that has varying levels of side effects.

Since my seasonal allergies can vary from having no reaction one year to being totally immobilized the next year and vice versa, I have no idea if what I’m feeling now is allergies or a reaction to the shot. It’s been 2 full days since my shot though. I’m guessing allergies are giving me a little bit of a sore throat last night and this morning.

#1 Covishield (Astra Zeneca) taken in March during visit to India.

#2 I have to take now after a gap of 60 days in Lagos . Hope vaccines will be available then.

I had my second shot of Pfizer on last Wednesday - virtually no soreness in my arm (unlike the first shot). No other side effects either. I’ll take being lucky over being good any day of the week :slight_smile:

Minor sore arm after my first dose of Pfizer.

Got my second shot yesterday with zero side effects.

No side effects, but what about your arm? :grin:

No side effects, except a little ruin down and a sore arm.

My wife works part time at the local hospital and had her COVID shot quite awhile ago.
One of her co-workers declined a COVID shot.
Now my wife is getting extra shifts covering for the co-worker who is off work with COVID.
The hospital policy is if you declined your free shot and then contracted COVID you are not eligible for sick pay.

Oooh. I like that policy. I think health insurance companies ought to make that a standard policy as well, and maybe corporations in general, and for all vaccinable(?) diseases. Don’t wanna vax? Fine, but don’t come crying to me when you get sick…

I like that policy of denying medical support, if any staff declines to have vaccination. Though there is a huge population in Nigeria, who d not trust the vaccines.